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Travel bottles SIMAX

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SIMAX Water bottle glass 0.5 l PURE BOTTLE
Personal collection only
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PURE BOTTLE - a healthy bottle, we recommend it for all drinks, hot and cold. The bottle is suitable for carbonated and non-carbonated drinks, its shape is ergonomic - easy to hold. Can be had in the dishwasher. Approved for contact with food in households and professional establishments. The products are subject to the supervision of the state control authorities of the Czech Republic in terms of health and safety in use. Made of recyclable glass without cadmium and lead. Follow the principle of gradual cooling. Wash with mild detergents that do not scratch the glass. The lid is made of plastic. It is equipped with a seal and a thread.
169 Kč140 Kč excl. VAT
SIMAX Baby bottle 250 ml complete (8305) ST, mixed colors
Personal collection only
In stock more than 2 pcs
This bottle is suitable for children from birth. This glass baby bottle bearing the designation "Czech product" is made of high quality and heat-resistant SIMAX glass. It is unique in that it does not absorb odors, you can sterilize it several times and it will always be clean and clear. The bottle includes a silicone pacifier. It is very easy to maintain - dishwasher safe. Approved for contact with food in households and professional establishments. The products are subject to the supervision of the state control authorities of the Czech Republic in terms of health and safety in use. Made of glass without cadmium and lead. Follow the principle of gradual cooling. Wash with mild detergents that do not scratch the glass.
124 Kč102 Kč excl. VAT
SIMAX Pure Aqua Bottle 0.5 l, glass
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Je vhodná na sycené i nesycené nápoje, skvělé využití pro ni najdete při výrobě domácího smoothie. Vydrží v ní i horké nápoje. Je vyrobena z kvalitního a tepelně odolného borosilikátového skla SIMAX. Její údržba je velice snadná - lze mýt v myčce. Schváleno pro styk s potravinami v domácnostech i profesionálních provozech. Výrobky z hlediska zdravotní nezávadnosti a bezpečnosti při používání podléhají dozoru státních kontrolních orgánů České republiky. Vyrobeno ze skloviny bez obsahu kadmia a olova. Dodržujte zásadu pozvolného ochlazování. Myjte jemnými mycími prostředky, které sklo nepoškrábou. Rozměr: 6,6 cm x v. 22 cm
239 Kč198 Kč excl. VAT