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Withdrawal from the contract

Withdrawal from the contract


If you are interested in withdrawing from the purchase contract for any reason, you can do so within 14 days from the purchase or receipt of the goods. You can use the contact form below to withdraw from the contract. For a valid withdrawal from the contract, it is necessary to provide the following information:

  • I, __Your first and last name__, withdraw from the purchase contract.
  • Order Number,
  • invoice or receipt number,
  • date of receipt of goods,
  • the name and price of the goods, or the number of pieces,
  • account number and bank code for refunding the relevant amount (except for personal withdrawals),

Goods sent to your address by any transport company should be returned to us thoroughly packed so that they are not damaged or damaged in their original packaging (e.g. by placing transport labels), to our correspondence address Domácí potreby KUDRNÁČ, Bruselská 442/1, Prague 2 - Vinohrady, 120 00 . When packaging the product, it is necessary to take into account the risks of possible damage associated with transport, and the transport packaging must also be adapted to this. The goods must be handed over to the carrier within fourteen (14) days of withdrawal from the contract. Do not send the goods on delivery!

Goods that you have picked up in person at our brick-and-mortar store must also be returned in person at the store.

Company name
* - Mandatory fields

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