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ORION Forma silikonová čokoláda Velikonoce vajíčka 30, hnědá
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Silikonová forma Vám vytvoří velikonoční dobroty z čokolády ve tvaru vajíček. Můžete spojit 2 tvary k sobě vytvořit tak celé vajíčko buď celo čokoládové nebo plněné. Materiál: silikon. 30 forem. Snáší vysoké teploty. (od -40 °C do +220 °C), nepřejímá chutě ani vůně z použitých potravin. Vhodná do myčky na nádobí, do mrazničky i MVT. Rozměry: 24x15,7x1,2 cm, vajíčko 3,3x2,5 cm.
149 Kč123 Kč excl. VAT
BANQUET Forma srnčí hřbet s nepřilnavým povrchem CULINARIA 31,5 x 12 x v.5,5 cm
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Forma na pečení srnčí hřbet 31,5 x 12 cm CULINARIA je vyrobena z uhlíkové oceli s nepřilnavým povrchem (Xynflon). Vnější povrch je v šedostříbrném provedení. Výška formy je 5,5 cm, tloušťka materiálu je 0,4 mm. Nepřilnavý povrch XYNFLON je vyroben na bázi PTFE (polytetrafluorethylen), je vysoce odolný, má prvotřídní antiadhezní vlastnosti a snadno se udržuje.
159 Kč131 Kč excl. VAT
ORION Forma muffiny srdce 6 hnědá, silikon
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Silikonové formy jsou lehké a nepřilnavé, těsto se v nich nepřipéká, nepohlcují pachy z potravin. Odolné teplotám od -40 °C do +220 °C. Snadné mytí v myčce nádobí, jsou velmi skladné. Forma na muffiny ve tvaru srdce - 6 ks. Hnědá. Rozměry: 30x20,5x2,5 cm, srdce 7,5x8 cm.
199 Kč164 Kč excl. VAT
BANQUET Forma na bábovku, bábovka GRANITE 22 cm
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Forma na bábovku Granite o průměru 22 cm, výška 9,5 cm, tloušťka stěny 0,5 mm. Pekáče a pečící formy s nepřilnavým povrchem jsou nezbytným pomocníkem v každé kuchyni. Nepřilnavý povrch XYNFLON je vyroben na bázi PTFE (polytetrafluorethylen), je vysoce odolný, má prvotřídní antiadhezní vlastnosti a snadno se udržuje.
239 Kč198 Kč excl. VAT
LA CUCINA Forma na bábovku, bábovka 22 cm
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Bábovka je v této formě rovnoměrně upečená a díky nepřilnavému povrchu ji po vychladnutí můžete snadno z formy vyjmout. průměr: 22 cm kvalitní bábovková forma s nepřilnavým povrchem tloušťka formy 0,30 mm používejte pouze nylonové, silikonové nebo dřevěné náčiní formu lze dlouhodobě ohřát až na 230 °C
239 Kč198 Kč excl. VAT
NAVA Pumpička, pipeta na polévání masa při pečení, dávkovač - injekce na maso
In stock 2 pcs
Pipeta vyrobená z prvotřídní nerezavějící oceli ve stříbrné barvě. Balonek ze silikonu v černé barvě. Pipeta má široké využití v kuchyni. Využijete ji na marinování masa. Můžeme ji naplnit i omáčkou nebo vzniklým tukem ze smažení masa nebo ryb. Užitečné jak při dušení masa, tak při grilování.Pipeta umožní přesné dávkování správného množství omáčky díky správné špičce. Součástí pipety je kartáček, který umožní důkladné vyčištění vnitřku pipety. Pipetu lze navíc mýt v myčce nádobí.
229 Kč189 Kč excl. VAT
ALVARAK Beehive mold 28 pcs, silicone
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Baking tins are made of a special silicone material, which has a number of excellent properties. Soft, flexible and easy to use - temperature resistance -40 ° C to + 230 ° C - suitable for gas, electric, hot air and microwave ovens - possible freezer storage. Maintenance of the silicone mold is very easy even through the dishwasher. They are easy to use because they do not burn or stick during baking, easy tilting guarantees the desired appearance and quality of the baked product, or you just need to pour sugar or solamyl. The clear advantage of silicone products lies in the large savings in storage space. Silicone mold for the preparation of traditional beehives. This Christmas cookie is traditionally prepared without baking and is filled with delicious egg liqueur. 28 pieces of beehives made of extra strong silicone of super quality. Thanks to the high temperature resistance, you can pour hot chocolate into the mold and then let it harden in the freezer. It is also suitable for shaping fondant, which is a very popular confectionery material, the mold is multi-purpose. Create original desserts and surprise the surroundings! Modeling silicone molds are a helper for any housewife. Don't hesitate and get this perfect tool! Size: 29 x 17.5 cm, max. 230 ° for 28 pieces.
279 Kč231 Kč excl. VAT
ALVARAK Cake pan ø 26, silicone
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Baking tins are made of a special silicone material, which has a number of excellent properties. Soft, flexible and easy to use - temperature resistance –25 ° C to + 220 ° C - suitable for gas, electric, hot air and microwave ovens - possible freezer storage. Maintenance of the silicone mold is very easy even through the dishwasher. They are easy to use because they do not burn or stick during baking, easy tilting guarantees the desired appearance and quality of the baked product, or you just need to pour sugar or solamyl. The clear advantage of silicone products lies in the large savings in storage space. Modeling silicone molds are a helper for any housewife. Size: 26 x 6 cm, max. 220 ° C.
354 Kč293 Kč excl. VAT
ALVARAK Cups for baking muffins and cupcakes 24 pcs., made of solid cardboard, mixed colors
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The trendy presentation of your muffins or cupcakes in sturdy cardboard cups will be a feast for the eyes of every visitor. They can also be used to serve ice cream. It can withstand temperatures up to 200oC. You can put the cupcakes in the oven normally and you don't need a mold for that. In addition, they are made of paper and are therefore environmentally friendly. In the package: 24 pcs Dimensions: About 6 cm and height: 5.5 cm Decors according to the current offer in our store
74 Kč61,2 Kč excl. VAT
ALVARAK Form for 18 mini muffins, 29 x 17 cm, silicone
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The baking molds are made of a special silicone material, which has a number of excellent properties. Soft, flexible and easy to use - temperature resistance -20°C to +230°C - suitable for gas, electric, hot air and microwave ovens - possible storage in the freezer Maintenance of the silicone mold is very easy, even through the dishwasher. They are easy to use as they do not burn or stick during baking, easy flipping out guarantees the desired appearance and quality of the baked product, or just sprinkle with sugar or solamyl. The clear advantage of silicone products is that they save a lot of storage space. Special silicone mold for 18 pieces of mini cupcakes the size of the mold 29x17cm. Thanks to its high temperature resistance, you can pour hot chocolate into the mold and then let it harden in the freezer. It is also suitable for shaping fondant, which is a very popular confectionery material, it can also be excellent cakes, the mold is multi-purpose..
199 Kč164 Kč excl. VAT
ALVARAK Form for pralines 3 shapes, silicone
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Would you like to make your own pralines? It's easy with this silicone mold! Thanks to the flexible structure, non-stick properties of silicone and its smooth surface, you can quickly and easily achieve great results. Molds for the production of pralines are made of a special silicone material, which has a number of excellent properties. Soft, flexible and easy to use - temperature resistance -20 ° C to + 230 ° C - suitable for gas, electric, hot air and microwave ovens - can be stored in the freezer. Maintenance of the silicone mold is very easy even through the dishwasher. They are easy to use as they do not burn or stick during baking, easy tilting guarantees the desired look and quality. The clear advantage of silicone products lies in the large savings in storage space. Thanks to the high temperature resistance, you can pour hot chocolate into the mold and then let it harden in the freezer. It is also suitable for shaping fondant, which is a very popular confectionery material. . Dimensions: 21x11x1.5 cm
179 Kč148 Kč excl. VAT
ALVARAK Form of roses for soap production 6 pcs, silicone
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Molds for making soap or candles, which are made of a special silicone material that has a number of excellent properties. Soft, flexible and easy to use - temperature resistance -20 ° C to + 220 ° C - suitable for gas, electric, hot air and microwave ovens - possible freezer storage. Maintenance of the silicone mold is very easy, even through the dishwasher. They are easy to use and can be tilted to guarantee the desired appearance and quality of the product, or you just need to pour sugar or solamyl. The clear advantage of silicone products lies in the large savings in storage space. Special silicone mold with 6 rose shapes with a diameter of 4 cm and a height of 2.3 cm. The silicone mold is made of 100% silicone, complies with CE regulations - it is non-toxic, odorless. Thanks to the high temperature resistance, you can pour hot chocolate into the mold and then let it harden in the freezer. It is also suitable for shaping fondant, which is a very popular confectionery material, as well as they can be excellent cakes, the form is multi-purpose. The silicone baking tin is ideal for preparing both sweet and savory food. Dimensions: 25x17x3cm, max.220 °
139 Kč115 Kč excl. VAT
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