Servírovací bambusové prkénko s plastovým poklopem je skvělé pro uložení dobrot, které jsou takto chráněny před osycháním i nepříjemným hmyzem. Uložit do něj můžete slané i sladké dobroty – chlebíčky, tortilly, obložený talíř, zákusky, dorty, rolády, buchty, koláče, ovoce, zeleninu, sýry, uzeninu... Kromě uložení jej můžete využít také k servírování. Především venku na terase oceníte jeho průhledný poklop, který nasazujete do drážky v prkénku, takže sedí pevně a neposunuje se. Materiál: bambus, plast PS. Rozměry: 28x22x11 cm, v. prkénka 1,5 cm.
The rubber board with a high-quality transparent plastic lid is ideal for serving and storing food.
• overall size: 30 cm x 20 cm x 8.5 cm
• material: rubber band / transparent plastic
• 100% natural
• painted surface
• Sophisticated design
• practical shape
• the board has a groove for holding the cover
• hatch with recesses for fingers
• cleaning only with a damp cloth
Gap bamboo bread box is made of bamboo wood. It is easy to keep clean. Does not absorb water, dyes or odors. Irreplaceable in every home.
Product features
made of bamboo wood, the construction ensures a sufficient supply of oxygen to the products and extends their life, does not take up additional space when opening, is easy to clean, does not absorb water, dyes or odors, irreplaceable in every household.
Product dimensions
width 38.5 cm
depth 22 cm
height 19 cm
Gap bamboo bread box is made of bamboo wood. It is easy to keep clean. Does not absorb water, dyes or odors. Irreplaceable in every home.
Product features
made of bamboo wood, the construction ensures a sufficient supply of oxygen to the products and extends their life, does not take up additional space when opening, is easy to clean, does not absorb water, dyes or odors, irreplaceable in every household.
Product dimensions
width 38.5 cm
depth 22 cm
height 19 cm