Smaltované nádobí RIESS je vyrobené z kvalitního ocelového plechu 1,2mm. Je zpracováno ručně, pečlivě kontrolováno a vyráběno s největší péčí. Vynikající kvalita materiálu a zpracování, jakož i vyspělý design s propracovanou funkčností zaručují vysokou užitnou hodnotu a dlouhou životnost.
Skvělé vlastnosti smaltovaného nádobí Riess :
optimálním způsobem akumuluje a předává dále teplo
spoří energii
perfektně tvrdý povrch, který je odolný proti pořezání a poškrábání
snadný na údržbu, vhodný do myčky, hygienicky nezávadný
hladký bez pórů, s antibakteriálními vlastnostmi
při vhodném zacházení a údržbě zachování lesku a dlouhé životnosti
vhodné pro veškeré tepelné zdroje: plynové , elektrické, keramické, halogenové a indukční hořáky
Enamel cookware RIESS is made of quality steel sheet 1.2 mm. It is processed by hand, carefully inspected and manufactured with the utmost care. Excellent material quality and workmanship, as well as advanced design with sophisticated functionality, guarantee high utility value and long service life. , dishwasher safe, hygienically safe smooth without pores, with antibacterial properties with suitable handling and maintenance gloss retention and long lifesuitable for all heat sources: gas, electric, ceramic, halogen and induction burners
Enamel cookware RIESS is made of quality steel sheet 1.2 mm. It is processed by hand, carefully inspected and manufactured with the largest
roast. Excellent material and workmanship, as well as advanced design with sophisticated functionality guarantee high
Enamel cookware RIESS is made of quality steel sheet 1.2 mm. It is processed by hand, carefully inspected and manufactured with the largest
roast. Excellent material and workmanship, as well as advanced design with sophisticated functionality guarantee high
Enamel cookware RIESS is made of quality steel sheet 1.2 mm. It is processed by hand, carefully inspected and manufactured with the largest
roast. Excellent material and workmanship, as well as advanced design with sophisticated functionality guarantee high
Enamel cookware RIESS is made of quality steel sheet 1.2 mm. It is processed by hand, carefully inspected and manufactured with the largest
roast. Excellent material and workmanship, as well as advanced design with sophisticated functionality guarantee high
Enamel cookware RIESS is made of quality steel sheet 1.2 mm. It is processed by hand, carefully inspected and manufactured with the utmost care. Excellent material quality and workmanship, as well as advanced design with sophisticated functionality guarantee high already