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Baking trays, trays and grates PYREX

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PYREX Rectangular baking dish with lid 2.9 l + 1.6 l, 32 x 19.5 x h.13.5 cm
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In stock more than 6 pcs
France and OCuisine (Pyrex) have a long-standing bond. Ocuisne is based on the tradition and quality of French cuisine and brings everyone the joy of baking and cooking thanks to its unique design. Ocuisine offers high-quality kitchen products that accompany everyone in their kitchen. The glass baking dish is made of hardened borosilicate glass, which is a guarantee of quality. This whole series is extremely durable, it can be used in the temperature range of -40°C to + 300°C. Ocuisine has a complete range of glass products.
439 Kč363 Kč excl. VAT
PYREX Rectangular baking dish with lid 4.3 l + 2.2 l, 37 x 22 x h.14 cm
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In stock more than 2 pcs
France and OCuisine (Pyrex) have a long-standing bond. Ocuisne is based on the tradition and quality of French cuisine and brings everyone the joy of baking and cooking thanks to its unique design. Ocuisine offers high-quality kitchen products that accompany everyone in their kitchen. The glass baking dish is made of hardened borosilicate glass, which is a guarantee of quality. This whole series is extremely durable, it can be used in the temperature range of -40°C to + 300°C. Ocuisine has a complete range of glass products.
489 Kč404 Kč excl. VAT
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