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Domácí potřeby KUDRNÁČ (Homeware KUDRNÁČ)

Domácí potřeby KUDRNÁČ (Homeware KUDRNÁČ) is a classic brick-and-mortar store with a tradition since 1991, which also sells online. We try to offer our customers a maximum of traditional Czech products that they have been used to for years and were used at home by previous generations as well. We make great efforts to select products from prestigious European manufacturers that meet our quality requirements. We are constantly bringing new products that will reach the Czech or European market.

Traditional brick and mortar store since 1991

News on offer
BELIS Mug 7 cm 0.25 l, OWL/MUSIC
In stock more than 2 pcs
Ideální řešení pro sklokeramický, indukční, elektrický i litinový sporák, včetně plynové i elektrické trouby zaručuje 100 % zdravotně nezávadné vaření zajišťuje rovnoměrný rozvod tepla pro dokonalou přípravu pokrmů optimální rozvod tepla představuje energeticky úspornější vaření při správném použití se pokrmy nepřipalují a nepřipékají (smalt má velmi nízkou přilnavost) snadno se čistí a je vhodný do myčky na nádobí jeho hladký povrch omezuje množení bakterií při přípravě pokrmů neuvolňuje žádné chemické látky smalt je zdravotně nezávadný a je vhodný pro děti i alergiky má velmi dlouhou životnostmá tvrdý neporézní povrch odolný proti poškrábání chemická a barevná stálost i po dlouholetém používání dlouholetá garance kvality má moderní a nadčasový vzhled výrobek je 100% recyklovatelný.
219 Kč181 Kč excl. VAT
BELIS Mug 7 cm 0.25 l, OWL/WREATH
In stock more than 2 pcs
Ideální řešení pro sklokeramický, indukční, elektrický i litinový sporák, včetně plynové i elektrické trouby zaručuje 100 % zdravotně nezávadné vaření zajišťuje rovnoměrný rozvod tepla pro dokonalou přípravu pokrmů optimální rozvod tepla představuje energeticky úspornější vaření při správném použití se pokrmy nepřipalují a nepřipékají (smalt má velmi nízkou přilnavost) snadno se čistí a je vhodný do myčky na nádobí jeho hladký povrch omezuje množení bakterií při přípravě pokrmů neuvolňuje žádné chemické látky smalt je zdravotně nezávadný a je vhodný pro děti i alergiky má velmi dlouhou životnostmá tvrdý neporézní povrch odolný proti poškrábání chemická a barevná stálost i po dlouholetém používání dlouholetá garance kvality má moderní a nadčasový vzhled výrobek je 100% recyklovatelný.
219 Kč181 Kč excl. VAT
KAUFGUT Kettle EVA EK9008 1.5 l, 2200W, stainless steel/white
In stock more than 2 pcs
Barva: bílá Nerezová ocel 18/10, nádoba konvice neobsahuje žádné plastové části Nádoba je uvnitř označena stupnicí objemu Objem až 1,5 litru Výklopné víko s ovládáním jednou rukou Zástrčka otočná o 360° Automatické a manuální vypínání Rozměry: 23 x 14 x v.22 cm 220-240V , 50 Hz, 1850-2200W
999 Kč826 Kč excl. VAT
DUNYA Corner shelf, 3 tiers, 28.5 x 17.5 x h.51 cm, mixed colors
Personal collection only
In stock more than 2 pcs
Třípatrová rohová plastová police s háčky, na zavěšení, určena k montáži na stěnu. Barvy dle aktuální nabídky na naší prodejně.
169 Kč140 Kč excl. VAT
KRYSTAL Cleansing cream 600 g
Personal collection only
In stock more than 6 pcs
Vyznačuje se dokonalou mycí schopností, a to i na velmi zašpiněném nádobí, pracovních a kuchyňských plochách a ostatních místech v domácnosti včetně sporáku. Abrazivo v něm obsažené napomáhá dokonalému umytí, avšak jeho jemnost zaručuje nenarušení čištěných ploch. vhodný i na sklokeramické desky vhodný na nerezové nádobí nepoškrábe ani ty nejjemnější povrchy Návod k použití: Přípravek naneste na znečištěná místa, měkkou houbou vyčistěte a opláchněte vodou.
69 Kč57,0 Kč excl. VAT
KRYSTAL Dishwashing liquid ECO 750 ml
Personal collection only
In stock more than 6 pcs
Přípravek na nádobí s vůní citrusových plodů. Vyznačuje se vysokou pěnivostí a vysokým mycím účinkem. aktivní látka k ochraně pokožky s výtažkem z ALOE VERA, testy dermální tolerance výrobku z kožní kliniky, zvýšená pěnivost, nadstandardní mycí síla, výborné talířové testy, příjemná parfemace
74 Kč61,2 Kč excl. VAT
KAUFGUT Kettle EVA EK9009 1.5 l, 2200W, stainless steel/black
In stock more than 6 pcs
Barva: černá Nerezová ocel 18/10, nádoba konvice neobsahuje žádné plastové části Nádoba je uvnitř označena stupnicí objemu Objem až 1,5 litru Výklopné víko s ovládáním jednou rukou Zástrčka otočná o 360° Automatické a manuální vypínání Rozměry: 23 x 14 x v.22 cm 220-240V , 50 Hz, 1850-2200W
999 Kč826 Kč excl. VAT
KAUFGUT Chili grinder EVA 15 cm
In stock more than 2 pcs
Červený hliníkový mlýnek na chilli papričku, tělo a víka z průhledného akrylu, sekací mechanismus a řezací mřížka z nerezové oceli, rozměry: O 4,8 xv 15 cm
599 Kč495 Kč excl. VAT
KAUFGUT Coffee grinder EVA 12.5 x 12.5 x h.16 cm
In stock more than 2 pcs

859 Kč710 Kč excl. VAT
KAUFGUT Coffee grinder EVA 10.5 x 10.5 x h.16 cm
In stock more than 2 pcs

659 Kč545 Kč excl. VAT
KAUFGUT EVA herringbone pliers 12 cm
In stock more than 10 pcs
Made of stainless steel, dishwasher safe.
164 Kč136 Kč excl. VAT
KAUFGUT TWIST EVA screw cap opener
In stock more than 2 pcs
Made of high-quality stainless steel, very strong, solid design, suitable for easy opening of all sizes of TWIST screw caps from sizes 53 to 100, not dishwasher safe.
164 Kč136 Kč excl. VAT
KAUFGUT EVA vegetable slicer, MANDOLIN
In stock more than 2 pcs
Universal fruit and vegetable slicer made of high-quality stainless steel, easily adjustable by turning the rotary knob to different slice thicknesses (smooth adjustment) and noodle sizes, with very simple operation and equipped with a finger guard for safer work. Material: TPR, ABS, stainless steel.
949 Kč784 Kč excl. VAT
KAUFGUT EVA pineapple slicer, stainless steel 18/8
In stock more than 6 pcs
The stainless steel pineapple slicer, which comfortably and easily cuts the pineapple, removes the skin and hard center. Material: stainless steel, handle made of high quality plastic.
349 Kč288 Kč excl. VAT
KAUFGUT Scissors EVA universal 14 cm
In stock more than 10 pcs

89 Kč73,6 Kč excl. VAT
KAUFGUT Scissors EVA universal 21 cm
In stock more than 10 pcs

119 Kč98,3 Kč excl. VAT
KAUFGUT Scissors EVA universal 19.5 cm
In stock more than 10 pcs

99 Kč81,8 Kč excl. VAT
KAUFGUT Thermos, serving kettle EVA 1 l, stainless steel
In stock more than 2 pcs
Made of high quality stainless steel, thermos with double stainless steel casing, perfect thermal insulation, suitable for use in summer, winter, sports, home, work and travel, fluid flow without the need to remove the cap, allows control with only one hand , guarantees min. temperature and aromatic losses, maintains high fluid temperature for up to 12 hours, maintains low fluid temperature for up to 24 hours.
849 Kč702 Kč excl. VAT
FLORINA Dish drainer TINA with tray 42.5 x 32 x h.25 cm, black, metal/plastic
In stock more than 6 pcs

339 Kč280 Kč excl. VAT
BRAVO Meat Grinder CARNE B-4725
In stock 1 pcs
Kvalitní nerezový mlecí nůž a destičky z tvrdé oceli funkce REVERSE 1 rychlostní stupeň příkon 1340 W Příslušenství: mlýnek na maso 3x mlecí destičky - jemné 3 mm , standartní 5 mm, hrubé 7 mm 4x nástavec na strouhání a krájení zeleniny nástavec na plnění klobás
2 479 Kč2 049 Kč excl. VAT
ORION Form for hot air fryer 17.5 x 17.5 cm, silicone, brown
In stock more than 10 pcs
Hranatá silikonová forma do horkovzdušné fritézy chrání koš horkovzdušné fritézy před zbytky jídla, olejovými skvrnami a škrábanci. Prodlouží životnost koše, usnadní čištění a údržbu fritézy. Hodí se také do klasické trouby na přípravu zeleniny, těstovin, dietních jídel, je určena pro teploty od -40 °C do +220 °C. Materiál: silikon. Rozměry: 17,5x17,5x4,5 cm, v. s uchy 6,5 cm. Lze mýt v myčce a využít i v MVT.
249 Kč206 Kč excl. VAT
ORION Bread pan 42.3 x 23 x 20 cm GREENISH, tin
Personal collection only
In stock 1 pcs
Chlebovka s odklápěcím víčkem na uložení pečiva, sušenek, cukroví... Materiál: plech s povrchovou úpravou. Rozměry: 42,3x23x20 cm.
699 Kč578 Kč excl. VAT
ORION Thermal bowl Venus TERMO 5 l, plastic/stainless steel
In stock 2 pcs
Termomísa v plastovém obalu s nerezovým vnitřkem udrží vložený pokrm po dlouhou dobu teplý nebo naopak chladný. Snadné uzavření otočením plastového termo víčka. Využijete ji v domácnosti, zaměstnání i na cestách, v létě i zimě. Skvělé izolační vlastnosti. Je lehká, snadno přenosná. Hladký povrch je snadno omyvatelný. Výborné využití v horkých letních dnech na zmrzlinu. Délka udržení teploty v nádobě závisí na okolní teplotě, resp. teplotním rozdílu vnější teploty a teploty uvnitř nádoby. Před vložením studeného pokrmu, např. zmrzliny, vložte nádobu cca na hodinu do ledničky, prodloužíte tím chladící efekt. Při vkládání teplého jídla nalijte dovnitř horkou vodu, kterou zhruba po 1-2 minutách vylijte. Materiál: nerez, plast. Rozměry: pr. 30 cm, v. 20 cm, užitný objem 4,7 l, celkový objem 5 l. Není vhodná do myčky.
699 Kč578 Kč excl. VAT
ORION Basket RADKA 27 x24.5 x h.16.5 cm, metal/bamboo
In stock more than 6 pcs
Praktický košík najde ve vaší domácnosti široké uplatnění. Využít jej můžete na uložení ovoce, zeleniny, klubek vlny nebo příze, menších ručníků v koupelně, můžete si jej vzít do lesa na houby, místo nákupní tašky na nákup. Kromě praktické funkce bude také pěknou dekorací u vás doma. Praktické sklopné ucho zajišťuje pohodlné přenášení. Máte dobrý přehled o uložených věcech. Materiál: kov s povrchovou úpravou, bambus. Rozměry: košík 24,5x24,5x16,5 cm, š. včetně ucha 27 cm, v. včetně ucha 30 cm.
289 Kč239 Kč excl. VAT
Best seller
In stock more than 2 pcs
Enamel cookware RIESS is made of quality steel sheet 1.2 mm. It is processed by hand, carefully inspected and manufactured with the utmost care. Excellent material quality and workmanship, as well as advanced design with sophisticated functionality, guarantee high utility value and long service life. , dishwasher safe, hygienically safe smooth without pores, with antibacterial properties with suitable handling and maintenance gloss retention and long lifesuitable for all heat sources: gas, electric, ceramic, halogen and induction burners
2 189 Kč1 809 Kč excl. VAT
CERAMIC PLANTS ZÁBŘEH Ceramic cabbage pot, cabbage 5 l
Personal collection only
In stock more than 2 pcs
Traditional ceramic pots for fermenting cucumbers, pickling cabbage and meat. The manufacturer uses its own production materials and glazes for production. Production technology allows production by casting, turning and pressing. Earthenware products are fired at 1250 ° C, unglazed terracotta at 1100 ° C. The glazes used are not harmful to health.
899 Kč743 Kč excl. VAT
MARCATO Pasta machine ATLAS 150, DESIGN, black
In stock more than 2 pcs
The Atlas 150 machine from the Marcato Design series is a basic machine for the production of homemade pasta. Used to prepare rolled dough for homemade pasta. The machine allows you to regulate the thickness of the dough in 10 positions, namely 4.8 mm and 0.6 mm. The package includes a clamp for attachment to the worktop of the table, which has a metal bow in the color of the movement, a handle with a metal handle also in the color of the movement and a basic attachment for Fettuccine (square 6.5 mm) and Tagliolini (square 1.5 mm). Atlas 150 can be used with 13 other MARCATO attachments. With the Atlas 150 machine itself, you prepare dough for Lasagna (150 mm). These attachments are sold separately and are designed to prepare 12 different shapes of pasta. It is also equipped with a practical bayonet lock, which allows you to connect a Pastadrive electric motor and speed up your work. The materials used to make the Atlas 150, as with any MARCATO product, are of the highest quality: The finish is black, while the rollers are made of anodised aluminum alloy, so no metals are released into the dough. MARCATO Atlas 150 is a machine for preparing rolled dough for the preparation of fresh homemade pasta. It is made of quality and safe materials suitable for the production of 100% healthy homemade pasta.
2 399 Kč1 983 Kč excl. VAT
In stock 2 pcs
Biscuits, from the Marcato DESIGN series, is a nice little machine for making homemade cookies. Biscuits DESIGN comes with 20 attachments for making homemade cookies, one for every occasion of the year. You can use this cookie machine, which can be decorated or stuffed as you like, according to your taste. You can create different biscuit sizes by simply turning the adjustment knob: Position 1: small biscuits Position 2: large biscuits The Biscuits DESIGN is easy to operate without the need to cover the baking sheet with paper or wipe with butter: you can make 20 to 25 large biscuits, or 35 up to 40 small biscuits with one fully filled machine and its mere squeezing. The Biscuits DESIGN machine has an ergonomic shape and is made of anodized aluminum alloy (suitable for contact with food). Any color shade is done by painting with oxidizing paint so that no part can be released into the dough. Biscuits DESIGN thus makes 100% healthy homemade biscuits. This product will allow you to have fun with your children and enjoy some quality time with your family. Great gift for any occasion. The Biscuits DESIGN machine will allow you to rediscover the taste of healthy homemade cookies, like from your grandmother. Important notes: 1. Do not use baking paper 2. Do not wash in the dishwasher 3. Do not clean with metal objects 4. Wash with hot water and detergent 5. Dry thoroughly
1 499 Kč1 239 Kč excl. VAT
RIESS Enamel for cake, cake ø 24 cm PREMIUM
In stock more than 6 pcs
Enamel cookware RIESS is made of quality steel sheet 1.2 mm. It is processed by hand, carefully inspected and manufactured with the utmost care. Excellent material and workmanship, as well as advanced design with sophisticated functionality guarantee high utility value and long life. Great properties of Riess enamel dishes: optimally accumulates and transfers heat saves energy perfectly hard surface that is resistant to cuts and scratches easy to maintain, dishwasher safe, hygienically safe smooth without pores, with antibacterial properties with proper handling and maintenance gloss retention and long life
1 239 Kč1 024 Kč excl. VAT
STONELINE Universal grater WX-7099 MANDOLINA with 5 variants of attachments
-25 %
In stock more than 10 pcs
Very sharp professional grater made of stainless steel and solid plastic. The grater contains 5 variants of attachments: thin slices, medium slices, thick slices, french fries, thin strips Julienne, includes a finger cover.
List price 1 199 Kč899 Kč743 Kč excl. VAT
VICTORINOX Swiss Classic snack knife 11 cm, 6.7836.L115, pink
In stock more than 20 pcs
A quality knife from the Swiss manufacturer Victorinox is ideal for cutting and lubricating pastries, but also for any slicing of vegetables and fruits. It is light, sharp, has a rounded blade tip and a wave blade. You will never want to replace it again. Material: quality no
179 Kč148 Kč excl. VAT
CERAMIC PLANTS ZÁBŘEH Ceramic cabbage pot, cabbage 10 l
Personal collection only
In stock more than 2 pcs
Traditional ceramic pots designed for fermenting cucumbers, pickling cabbage and meat. The manufacturer uses its own production materials and glazes for production. Production technology allows production by casting, turning and pressing. Earthenware products are fired at 1250 ° C, unglazed terracotta at 1100 ° C. The glazes used are not harmful to health.
1 299 Kč1 074 Kč excl. VAT
KELA Hanging baskets 3 pcs
In stock more than 10 pcs
Wire set of baskets designed for fruit storage made of durable metal material surface treated with high quality chrome resistant abrasion and steam total height 72cm / basket dimensions 25cm, 27cm, 29cm /
339 Kč280 Kč excl. VAT
WESTMARK Apple slicer and peeler - with suction cup - Apple dream
In stock more than 6 pcs
Apple dream, apple peeler - with suction cup Very handy peeler for apples, pears or even potatoes, with three functions in one working step. You can peel, remove and cut the apple at the same time. Of course, you can also just peel it with this peeler and leave it whole, or just unpeeled it to cut and remove the core. You can adjust the skin thickness using the sliding knife and the wing nut. The thickness of the sliced slices is about 4-5 mm. A strong suction cup is used for attachment to a smooth worktop (you can also order this product in a version with a screw clamp). Apple Dream is made of lacquered aluminum casting and stainless steel.
869 Kč718 Kč excl. VAT
VICTORINOX Universal knife Swiss Classic 10 cm, 6.7706.L118, yellow
In stock more than 10 pcs
A quality knife from the Swiss manufacturer Victorinox is ideal for slicing and preparing vegetables, fruits and other foods. It is light, sharp, has a pointed blade end and a smooth blade. With ultra straight edge and ergonomic handle. You will never want to replace it again
179 Kč148 Kč excl. VAT
BURGVOGEL Universal knife 9 cm Master line, Solingen, 6910.951.09.0
In stock 1 pcs
The knives are made of high quality stainless steel (Chrome - Molybdenum Steel x 50, CrMoV15), are forged from one piece of quality steel, hand cut, well-shaped handle for easy grip, smooth transition between handle and blade, modern de
1 129 Kč933 Kč excl. VAT
VICTORINOX Vegetable and fruit peeler with longitudinal blade
In stock more than 6 pcs
Made of high quality plastic, very sharp stainless steel finely serrated edge, dishwasher safe.
144 Kč119 Kč excl. VAT
RIESS - KELOMAT Flat grater, fine tear
In stock more than 2 pcs
Made of first-class stainless steel, very sharp and extremely strong, dishwasher safe.
289 Kč239 Kč excl. VAT
KELA Magnetic knife bar PLAN 45 cm, stainless steel
In stock more than 10 pcs
Kitchen magnetic bar for knives made of stainless steel, knives or other smaller metal utensils are always at hand, the bar can be placed anywhere in the kitchen, can be drilled or even glued, the bar has a stainless steel smooth plate on the back which is in
639 Kč528 Kč excl. VAT
VICTORINOX Swiss Classic snack knife 11 cm, 6.7836.L119, orange
In stock more than 10 pcs
A quality knife from the Swiss manufacturer Victorinox is ideal for cutting and lubricating pastries, but also for any slicing of vegetables and fruits. It is light, sharp, has a rounded blade tip and a wave blade. You will never want to replace it again. Material: quality no
179 Kč148 Kč excl. VAT
In stock 1 pcs
A brand new range of our pans will delight several of your senses. The refreshing design is very pleasant to the eye and touch, and the useful properties literally pamper the tastes and aromas of each dish. The non-stick, extremely durable surface is ideal for healthy fat-free cooking and can be enjoyed by allergy sufferers. Made in Italy, Ballarini. One of the latest innovations from Ballarini is the CORTINA GRANITIUM granite tableware. It attracts with a highly resistant non-stick surface, which is composed of four layers reinforced with mineral particles for particularly intensive use. The complete health safety is a matter of course, the surface is free of Teflon, PFOA, heavy metals and nickel. There is a thermal point on the handle, a clever feature that warns that the pelvis is already hot enough. The food will not be greasy and you will also save on energy. The basis of these dishes with a non-stick surface is a harmless aluminum core, which ensures perfect, fast and even temperature distribution. The lower thermal stainless steel protection and screw guarantee safety and prevent corrosion. The pans and pans are comfortable to hold thanks to the ergonomically shaped handle. The dishes can also be used in the oven up to 160 ° C.
1 039 Kč859 Kč excl. VAT
MARCATO Spaghetti attachment ATLAS 150
In stock more than 10 pcs
The Atlas 150 attachments allow you to work in the kitchen. There are 13 different ADHESIVES - knives with rollers for preparing 13 different shapes of fresh homemade pasta: Capellini, Lasagnette, Linguine, Mafaldine, Pappardelle, Ravioli, Raviolini, Reginette, Spaghetti, Spaghetti Chitarra, Trenette, Vermicelli and Bigoli. Atlas 150 attachments are made of chrome-plated steel, with rollers made of anodized aluminum alloy, so that no metal parts can be released into the pasta and the product thus meets 100% health safety. The attachments are easily attached to the Atlas 150 and can be used in conjunction with the Pastadrive motor to make your work faster. For safety reasons, the motorbike cannot be used for the production of the following pastas: Mafaldine, Pappardelle, Reginette, Ravioli and Raviolini. Mediterranean food is Marcato's corporate philosophy. The attachments for Atlas 150 are perfect accessories for preparing fresh homemade pasta of various shapes. Important notes: 1. Do not wash in the dishwasher or under running water 2. Do not clean with metal objects 3. Clean with a toothpick or small brush
849 Kč702 Kč excl. VAT
WESTMARK Apple slicer and peeler - with screw clamp - Apple dream
In stock more than 2 pcs
A very handy peeler for apples, pears or even potatoes, with three functions in one working step. You can peel, remove and cut the apple at the same time. Of course, you can also just peel it with this peeler and leave it whole, or just unpeeled it to cut and remove the core. You can adjust the skin thickness using the sliding knife and the wing nut. The thickness of the sliced slices is about 4-5 mm. A screw clamp is used for a firm attachment to the worktop. Apple Dream is made of lacquered aluminum casting and stainless steel.
999 Kč826 Kč excl. VAT
DOMINO Jar AMFORA 145 ml, twist 53, 1 pc
In stock more than 20 pcs
Handsome glass in the shape of a keg. It can also be purchased in the original packaging, which contains 9 glasses. The glass is designed for a twist screw cap size 53, which is not included.
14 Kč11,6 Kč excl. VAT
VICTORINOX Universal knife Swiss Classic 10 cm, 6.7706.L114, green
In stock more than 20 pcs
A quality knife from the Swiss manufacturer Victorinox is ideal for slicing and preparing vegetables, fruits and other foods. It is light, sharp, has a pointed blade end and a smooth blade. With ultra straight edge and ergonomic handle. You will never want to replace it again
179 Kč148 Kč excl. VAT
BURGVOGEL Slicing knife 20 cm Master line, Solingen, 6880.951.20.0
In stock more than 2 pcs
The knives are made of high quality stainless steel (Chrome - Molybdenum Steel x 50, CrMoV15), are forged from one piece of quality steel, hand cut, well-shaped handle for easy grip, smooth transition between handle and blade, modern de
1 399 Kč1 156 Kč excl. VAT
ZENKER Mold, sheet for vanilla rolls 42 pcs, 42 x 32 cm
In stock more than 2 pcs
Equipped with a non-stick coating that prevents scorching, do not use metal kitchen tools, size 42cm x 32cm.
329 Kč272 Kč excl. VAT
VICTORINOX Universal knife Swiss Classic 10 cm, 6.7701, red
In stock more than 10 pcs
A quality knife from the Swiss manufacturer Victorinox is ideal for slicing and preparing vegetables, fruits and other foods. It is light, sharp, has a pointed blade end and a smooth blade. With ultra straight edge and ergonomic handle. You will never want to replace it again
179 Kč148 Kč excl. VAT